Sunday, March 10, 2019

Nighttime at the Hoboken Terminal

A part of New Jersey's history quietly turned 112 in late February: stately Hoboken Terminal, in all its Beaux Arts beauty.

When I visited late last week on a cold late-winter's night, the place and its surroundings were practically deserted -- which only enhanced its charm.

Trains and train stations inspire art and romance. Here are a just a few links to some examples:

And here's a more expansive written tour of Hoboken Terminal -- and a detailed NJ Transit publication about the terminal on the occasion of its 100th anniversary.

Finally, here are some images from my visit the other night. As poet Archibald Lampman wrote: "The darkness brings no quiet here; the light no waking."

View of New York City from the adjacent ferry terminal.


This is a reflection of me on the PATH from NYC to Hoboken... and a photo from the late train home. I post New Jersey-specific images (almost) daily on Instagram at and on Tumblr at Follow me there. I'll follow you back... if you're a real-life, generally fully-clothed person. I also post at (where I try my best to use what I learn from my photography friends at Black Glass Gallery), and you can find me on Twitter for posts about work, tech, baseball, books, writing and the occasional penguin at

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for the post, Bob. My first client in the public relations agency business worked at Pullman many years back and has many great stories from those days and his days working on the Illinois Central railroad. I visited with him yesterday in Sarasota, and at 87 he still tells those stories in a way that makes you feel like a passenger on a ride.