Thursday, November 5, 2020

More Adventures in Photojournaling

Last night, in photojournaling class, we were asked to imagine a photo and write about it. I accidentally wrote a poem:

Source: (public domain)

My Last Words to Vincent

In a cornfield in the middle of a dream,

I recognize the countryside.

This must be Arles.

I’ve never been to France in real life,

but I know what I know.

Cue the murder of crows.

In the distance, a man reimagines the scene on canvas.

It's a matter of hours before he shoots himself

and takes three days to die.

He works as if possessed.

I want to run to him, tell him his work will endure,

but the crows won't let me near.

I shout, "It isn't too late!"

He turns his head; I take his photo.

It captures the long view of both of us:

Imaginary proof of all our useless dreams.


You can view other modest adventures in photojounaling here and here. Or just follow me on Instagram at @bvarphotos, where sometimes I just write long captions. Life it too short; I always follow back.

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